Saturday, January 23, 2010

Auscultate Narcissism.

Everyone's talking.
It's a battle of voices.
Everyone wants to be heard.

No one wants to listen.
Just heard.
Or they will say something...
To make way for them to say more.

But what of the listeners?
Do their ears bleed in silence, whilst profanity rests on their tongue as they keep their mouths shut?

Their hearts are too full of others, and there is no one to speak to.
No one but themselves.
Their hearts break from the burden of everyone's cries...
And the weight of their own voices.

And they are left. Alone and shattered, with no one to hear them.

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Amy said...

*fall in a heap* such big words Sarah!

But love the poem :) As always you write beautifully and pin point how the situation stands exactly :).