Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Offer; Self-Worth.

I have nothing more than what You offer me.

A thought occured to me as this song played. God offers me shelter, a place of warmth; He offers me food, satisfying me; He offers me a bed; to comfort me. God offers me a family, so close to unconditional love and care; He offers me friends, to support me; He offers me His Son, His sacrifice, He offers me Himself. In Himself, He offers love, care, faithfulness, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control. And He offers freedom.

And I can throw all this away, because this is all just an offer. But in the end, what else do I have?

"The one who calls you is faithful, and HE will do it". - 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

What can we give, but what He has given unto us?

I offer devotion.

*Starfield - Unashamed
*In Your Freedom - Hillsong


"Ah, another poor, lost soul in seach for her self worth!" The host gazed at me, grinning as he boomed loudly across the stage. "Step right up here, just here, right here on this dot." He was surprisingly coordinated as he manoeveured me between the tables, guiding me to his desired destination. I was dumbfounded as he pushed me along; I could not work out my purpose for being here. Surely I knew where my self-worth was already. His beady eyes bore into mine as my tried to read them. I failed epically.

"There are so very many ways of developing your self-worth! In fact, so many, you'd be completely unique still, no matter what you choose! I'm your host for today, giving you options that will last you a lifetime! Or, alternatively, however long you want! That's how good this show is; we let you choose just how much you need or want, and BAM! You get it right away! Haha!"

I was still confused of whatever he was talking about, when he scooted over to a panel which held 4 boards that faced down. With a swish of his right hand the boards were flipped over.

"My dear, here are your 4 options of self-worth. I may be contradicting myself when I say that there are 4, but I'm not! For most certainly these are what match up to your current desire, mood, AND thoughts! With many careful calculations, these are what fits your criteria most to suit your very needs! Haha! How very smart, isn't it? Of course, there are alternative choices, if you would like more, haha!"

His grin was wide, as I stared at the 4 boards. They all seemed obsurd to me...

"I shall introduce you to your first option! POPULARITY!"

A sudden round of applause sounded from nowhere.

"This direction to self-worth is easy, and you can be yourself! All you need to do is be in with what's in, and completely disagree with what's not! You're gonna have to choose your friends though, because you'll be making a lot of enemies! But it's all worth it, because it's your self-worth that you're building up! Being popular meets your demands of security, dependence, and the feeling of love and adoration by all who are close by you! A very passionate option indeed! Haha, how exciting it is to be POPULAR! You can become just like me!"

His laugh began to irritate me by now, but his words struck deep into my heart. But he refused to give me time to work things out, interrupting my thoughts completely with my second option.

"And now for your next choice: LOVE!"

A chorus of "Oohs" came from some audience which I now realised was behind me.

"Ah, love, isn't it such a beautiful thing? Easily satisfying, for any who may feel a little bit left out!" He gave a wink to the invisible audience behind me. "Develop your self-worth with a partner and he will give you the LOVE you deserve! He will wipe away all loneliness, all insecurity, and all those little thoughts in your head that you just dreamed that was real! Haha! A loving partner is just what you need to satisfy your human desires! And your self-worth will never be so low again! It's getting hot and steamy in here now, isn't it! Haha!"

The crowd laughed with him, as I scrutinized the choices so far presented to me. There was most definately something strange here, but I could not pinpoint it, for my thoughts were abruptly deterred by his voice again.

"Here is a choice that will blow your mind! TALENT!"

The audience sighed at the word, but I'd had enough. My mind was blown already with the choices so far put in front of me; I could not handle anything else.

"Excuse me... excuse me? Sir? Mr. Host?" I croaked with my almost non-existant voice. He didn't seem to hear me, but I persisted anyway.

"These options are so tempting for me; they are almost irresistable, but I will have to refuse them all. For I have already have my self-worth. And I find that in God. Sure, I may be hindered, tempted, led astray, but my foundation in Him is strong, but His cross has placed in me my worth to Him, for He loves me."

And I walked away; all eyes were on me, and the host's mouth hung wide opened as he stared after me. I was torn, but I know I'd made the right choice.


Finally a non-dream. I hope it's okay to read through, and I hope it makes you think. And yeah, same to the one before this.

LOL, Sarah.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Poetic Stranger.

I FEEL LIKE BLOGGING (it's 1:30 in the morning the night after the sleepover, of which I had 3 hours sleep).


Cool dogs, I haven't written in AGES. To be honest, I've seriously been out of ideas, and I've been overworking my mind, thinking about 1 thing... about 10 million times throughout one week. You'd think after thinking through something that many times, you'd work something out. Me? Nope. It's just a continual discussion that lingers on key points that don't lead anywhere; the debate is unwinnable.

SO, instead of any EXERPTS ehehehehehehehe cool word, because I can't really make up any, I'll tell you about... me. How I've been. Such and such. I'm sure people are wondering (makes me sound up myself and makes me look like I think everyone loves me... but that's not entirely true...) what I've been up to besides blogging, and why the long delays and such. WELL, I can't tell you everything, but I will tell you something.

Okay maybe not. Just that I've been deducing reasons to find the root of some sort of problem that I apparently have. I have a problem apparently. I don't know exactly what it is.. still. Anyway I just realised that I can't really talk anymore about that.

Our youth hosted a GARAGE SALE today! It was so cool, thank God the weather was beautiful (and mildly hot), and how successful it was! Yeah awesome stuff. I saw this tissue box holder right... It was Monokuro Boo. I was like. HOLY. GUACAMOLE. I WANT THAT. But I didn't end up buying because I was too cheap and I wanted Bubble Cup instead.

We have these American girls that came from America (oops), and they're here to stay. They've been here for a week now, and it's been so exciting getting to know them. However, I find it strange talking to them... Because I tend to talk a lot to them. And by saying a lot, I mean A LOT. I ask them heaps of questions, and relate to them with my own answers to my own questions etc. Make a conversation yeah? That's healthy. Yup. But the thing is, I'm really scared now, because I've become self-conscious, despite how easy-going I am with them. I'm kinda scared that they might think that I'm weird, but I suppose that it's a good thing that they still talk to me? So it means that we're okay yeah? I don't know! It's weird. I'm not usually so easy-going with other people, but these girls, mind you their names are Jadeline and Angeline are the nicest girls ever :).

I'm just so scared of being judged, stereotyped, and being seen as a failure or a disapointment, and that's the reason that I purposefully do not open up to people who inspire me. I hate that them knowing me gives them expectations of what I may or may not do, the reasons for my actions, my words, my moods, etc. It's just downright scary.

But these girls are nice. I feel myself around them, moreso than ever. Thank God that He's placed these girls in my life... it's kinda what I also needed; a boost (also part of a reason of the root of the problem? Not sure).

This is Angeline's pick up line that I made for her, it's the best!
Angeline: Hey (insert guy's name here), I'm Angeline, but YOU can call me Angel ;)!

HAHAHA It's the best isn't it?!

Anyway yeah, I find a lot of things amusing. Especially when I'm really deprived of sleep (due to sleep-overs ONLY). Like I had 3 hours sleep last night, and man, I was soo hyped up today for the Garage sale. It was fun. But whenever someone wakes me up when I really need sleep, and makes me uncomfortable, I get angry, and go sleep somewhere else... or I just get angry. So don't wake me up when I'm obviously dead-tired.

I'm fine now though :D I had sleep at Katie's. :0 They left me all alone in their house... HAHA my cousins went to like a birthday thing, aunt/uncs went to some meeting at church. So I was at THEIR house all alone... and I fell asleep. My mum woke me up by calling me. And then I played WII.


Anyway yeah I had my deep momenty somewhere in this blog. Good enough.

LOL, Sarah.

I'll pose up my Haiku sometime too ay.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Queen Jealousy.

... Envy waits behind her.

(Reference to Jimi Hendrix, woo!)

Yeah it was just my mind arguing with itself as to whether I'm a jealous person. And I am. I decide to not do anything in reaction to envy, because it will make things worse. Oh noes! Yeah I'm really tired today. Just came home from uh Phil's 18th. It was quite funny. Why? Because Viet ate a whole bowl (those ones you put like sauce in) of chili! YAY. And Phil drank a glass of 75% alcohol. And that's all I remember.

My memory is terrible... if someone asks "what did you do today?" I'd have to think for a while, and then say "I don't know" simply because I don't remember. For example, James was telling me about how convenient it was that it was Phil's 18th party today. And I asked why, forgetting that he'd already told me why. It was when he said that he went to a lecture that I finally remembered what he'd said at the party. Maybe I was more tipsy than Phil today... HAHA it was so random, he was jumping up and down so randomly, and hugging people and dancing and shuffling and ahh good times.

HIS FRIEND WAS HUGE. Like I felt short enough standing next to uh Minh or Mark, but man, his friend was HUGE. I can't remember his name though. I don't know why. I remember the others... Bleh ohwell.

This blog is so not funny today. It's finally an account of my day. Ew, accounts are boring.

Anyway, time to rant (so not in the mood to, too tired).

It'd be way better to do this on youtube though, it's much easier to express myself with ranting through talking, but hey, you make do.

So there's this camp coming up, and I kind of want to go, although I have a feeling that I shouldn't go. Why? My parents are making me feel bad.

"You shouldn't go to something unless it's a conference" - Mum says that, because I had asked to go to Perth. And I was fine with that. So camp comes up, and I have high hopes of going.

"I don't want you going to anything that's not related to our church" - Dad says that, and I am heartbroken.

"However, I want you to be happy."

WHAT?! So they say that they don't want me to go, but they will let me go if I want to, because they want me to be happy. But I'm obligated to make them happy, even though whether I stay home or go to the camp, they won't be happy anyway. And if I go, I'll feel bad for not obeying them. But then I don't want to be miserable at home as well (I would be, I haven't fully got the controls of my feelings). But they want me to be happy.

I'm confused, and I bleh.


LOL, sarah.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sections (Long).

I could call myself mature, but then that would be a downright lie, because I still was so inexperienced with so many things, and still so cheekily willing to experiment with the unknown. I also wouldn't be humble in saying that I am mature either. I could call myself immature, but that would also be a lie, because then I'd be implying that I wasn't thankful for the talents that God had slowly molded and shaped for His glory. And I'd be proud in saying that I was immature, thinking that in saying that I was immature, I was being mature.

.. Well, you get the point.



I suck with imagination, so why not use real life instead? That's as imaginative as my writing can get. Aside from that other story of course... which was kinda creepy, I must admit. But all I really did for that was smoosh all the elements of reasons of murder and create a story out of it. Not so much descriptive... definately from a third-person point of view. Which obviously, I suck at now. But who cares? I get to write. And that's good enough for me.

Although now... the intricate detail that I put into my pieces, I think is too much. I don't even think that previous sentence made any sense... I just wanted to use intricate in something. That's my daily word for today. Intricate.... mmm.

I still like Derogatory though.

By the way, I've taken away names, to relieve suspicions, haha :D


I appraised the almost empty room, particularly towards the empty seats that were neatly lined up in an only slightly curved arc. In front of them were stands, only a few inches taller than the chairs, idly holding numbered folders that contained sheets of annotated sheet music. Walking in, I just about threw my bag on the ground, in front of a Torque, ignoring that it had my laptop in it, and placed my guitar case on the window sill. I opened the case, and the glint of the sun caught my eye on the black glossy surface my guitar. My baby guitar. It was one of the most precious things to me, but I had not been thinking by now. I took it up, taking the necessities (a lead, and my tuner, of course), and took my usual place next to my friend, another female guitarist.

However, as we set up, I could not help but think that this scene was different. Surely, everything was still in place, the rest of the chairs stacked, a stand rack at the corner of the room, Behringers and Torques all awkwardly spaced between the wall and the chairs. There were enough chairs for everyone there. But, oddly enough, not everyone was there. I hesitated to think that I would be, yet again, alone on the part I had to play. And right I was. However, that wasn't what worried me now.

My guitar sat loosely on my lap as I fumbled with the ends of the leads for the input on my guitar as well as my tuner. It would have been easier to actually look for the inputs instead of feeling for them, but I was too focused on my surroundings, and who has encompassed the spaces next to me. I eventually found the two holes anyway, and hastily and clumsily plugged my lead in. I began tuning.

I was in no mood to be properly tuning my guitar. I was too distracted by the person who was wrongly sitting next to me. I wasn't even meant to be sitting next to her (being one of the 3 guitarists who were female, including me) either, but I was intrigued at the seat that was taken not by who was usually there, but by him. I allowed my mind to wonder why, but I didn't get very far, as Sir interrupted my thoughts, confirming that my usual "part three partner" would not be here. Inside I groaned, knowing my emotions would get the better of me. I thanked God for my composed face, despite the panic and fumes of feverish heat under my cheeks.

After everyone got set up, he asked around for a pick, glancing around at the students present in the room. I looked down at my upside down guitar on my lap, and turned it around, revealing two picks cunningly slotted between the space between the humbuckers and their exterior border. I was reminded instantly of the week before, where I'd lent him one of my picks. I would have thought that he would learn to bring one to guitar ensemble now; I'd always had the feeling that he had a strong dislike for me. I did well to ignore him, and forgot to take my pick back at the end of the day. Luckily, I had other picks.

He was still looking for a pick by the time I'd finished ranting about him not bringing a pick, and took the thinner, yellow pick from inside the slot I'd cunningly used as a pick holder, and held it out for him. Hesitantly, of course. He looked at me (that made me flinch already), took the pick, and turned around, muttering a slight thanks. Just as I was about to turn around as well, he'd turned back to face me again, and I struggled to lift my already humiliated eyes to reach his face. It was normal for me to stare people in the eye when making conversation, even though it sometimes got awkward. Today it was awkward when I tried to look at him, and by then I hadn't realised that he was talking to me.

"Hey, are you sure I can?"

"Uh yeah..."

"Like, don't you need it?"

"Oh, uhh yeah, I have one already." I ran my fingers gingerly along the strings of my guitar, and found my second pick in the second humbucker slot. "Oh, okay thanks."

And he sat down next to me, and I was immediately thankful that we were half a metre apart. I couldn't stand being any closer than this. Not like that time in the canteen, where I was right behind him, and I had to turn my back to him just to keep myself from dying of embarrassment.. or something. I knew for a fact that I didn't like this person. He just intrigued me, I was sure that this was all it was.

And then Sir began us with our song, Knights of Cydonia by Muse. I played lead vocals. I thought it was pretty awesome, although when he stopped playing, I could not be sure, but I most definitely felt his eyes on me as I played the verse where he didn't play. My face started heating up feverishly again, and I was again thankful that my face showed such blankness and composure. He never smiled either; a blank look on his face, and wondering eyes. His face especially intrigued me also...

It was now that Sir decided to pick on me, just after I had played one round of the vocal soloing part as well as the supposedly background arpeggios. This is what he commented.

"X and "Y", you guys at the moment are way too loud, and you are overpowering Sar. However, you guys should be underneath her".

Scattered laughs came from the other students as I, for a split-second, in my heart nodded in agreement with Sir. Instantly, I glanced my friends' way, and met her cheeky gaze. She was giggling, her cheeky smile broad across her face. I could not comprehend the reason behind her smug face, until Sir had made a comment about students having dirty minds.
I instantly hung my head down, chuckling slightly. My eyes made towards the left, where he sat, chuckling also. I was embarrassed, and continued to play the song on cue...


By the way... This is exactly how I think, exactly how I relay the thoughts in my mind. So basicly, my mind tells me the story, and I just live it. Interesting huh? I don't know if you understand me, but doesn't matter, as long as the story is cool eh? Sorry that it might be boring...

LOL, Sarah.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mindful Exerpts.


I should stop with the inconsistent blogging... but I can't help it! Because all my ideas for blogging are from when I'm in the car, at church, at school, etc... basically whenever I think. Obviously, at home I don't think at all. I'm too distracted. By the time I get home, I completely forget about my ideas, or I can't be bothered typing my thoughts (at the moment, really, there are no thoughts... this is a nice song though :).

Duh.. mental blank. ANYWAY yeah, you'd be thinking, Sarah, just write your ideas down.

... Yeah okay, valid argument, but I do have a point to point out (bleh, bad english). WELL. To be honest, I can't be bothered writing it out. Yes, I probably do have a pen and paper near me, since I almost always get ideas in the car, but have you ever tried writing in a car? It's hard. And messy. I don't like messy. Also, my ideas are quite lengthy. For example, I was going to write out something like this:

.. I completely blanked out, so I'm gonna write something completely random and irrelevant to what I've been saying. I must say that a lot of my ideas are like exerpts of short stories. Short stories of my life. Like episodes.. no, shots. Really short, but really meaningful :). That's why I like writing better. :)

I'm getting soo distracted by msn.. hahaha so before the exerpt I'll show you this really funny thing with Betty from Perth. I swear, it's hilarious! :)

10:57 PM) -:
do u have bby pics?
(10:57 PM) -:
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: nope
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: i'm adopted.
(10:57 PM) -: .... are u serious?
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: .. LOOOOOOOOOOOL
(10:57 PM) -: are u serious?
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: LOL
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: NO
(10:57 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: WHAT THE HECK
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: HAHAHA
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: I LOVE MSN
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: HAHA
(10:58 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: ;D
(10:58 PM) -: LOLOL
(10:58 PM) -: =="
(10:58 PM) -: !!!!!
(11:00 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: LOLOL
(11:00 PM) †>shoo. <(^3)3: IT'S SO FUNNY
(11:00 PM) -: lol T____T!

NOW WHO DIDN'T LAUGH AT THAT?! Well if you didn't, well then you must be very emo, or very boring and not easily amused. Boo you. Nah you're still cool to me :). You and me are like a magnet. Whenever you're close, I move towards you sub-consciously; following right behind you. However I try so hard to turn away, and you notice, so you give me space. It's strange... I don't know what I want from you. I want more, but I don't want anything at all. You really are bad for me. I accept, but I know I still can't live without you yet.

Mmhm. Yes, that's all. Man, I'm soo distracted by youtube now. Everyone go look up The Dark Knight Interrogation Spoof! It's funny! So is Mychonny. Yup.

ANYWAY. Back to.. uhh wherever I was. My scar is shiny.. @_@. Fun. Anyway I don't understand. One of my youth leaders told me that boys are very thick in the head; they don't understand ANYTHING until you actually say it straight. She even used a male leader to demonstrate. And I finally got the point (who's the thick headed one now? =-=). But yeah, I suppose it's true. When you say "I'm fine..." to a guy, and you kind of look away, they think that you don't want to talk to them, even though what we really want is their undivided attention. Haha. Damn, girls are confusing :).

I'm in a really good mood, if you haven't realised. It's so good ay. Like, I know why too. :).

"But seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

"Draw near to GOD and HE will draw near to you." James 4:8

I've been living by these verses... along with the promises that He WILL come, and that He is NOT fazed by where I am... therefore neither should I. "Seek and you will find"... It's simple really... I've been overwhelmed by emotions and stuff lately, and I know God as my comfort, and my peace. I struggle with Dev, even though I know that when I do dedicate time to God, peace flows from my heart, and I am at ease. Amen ay? :)

Anyway yeah I've calmed down now. It's probably just the song, but yeah. I'm happy.

Praise God.

LOL, Sarah.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peace and Joy.

Serve Selflessly.
Give Gracefully.
Live Lovingly.

Short blog. Ha. :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Secret Stories.

We both knew I was invisible to him now. It was so obvious. He never looked at me, never seemed to notice me, never tried to run into me anymore; he had utterly and completely erased me from his life. I was nothing but another person in the hallway to him now. But I suppose I only know this because I still couldn't keep my eyes off him. Of course, as soon as he noticed, I looked away, keeping a reasonably blank face. He did well to do the same, staring into a blank distance ahead of him. It wasn't so much that I missed that we used to actually be friends, there was just something different about him. He didn't smile much anymore. His wide grin revealed his sparkling white teeth (saliva, I presumed); a cheeky smile. It comforted me to know that he was happy. But that was in the past. There was only really ever a half-smile across his face now, or no smile at all. The corners of his mouth showed amusement, but it barely touched his eyes. His eyes. The way they used to... glimmer. Shiny, I quoted myself when I first noticed his eyes; he looked like he was about to cry. This was back when his grin reached his eyes, shimmering vividly with excited animation as he talked.

And that time when he almost smashed his head into mine - on purpose, of course. I turned to see his face no more than a few centimetres from mine. It was dark, and his eyes still glimmered as they bore into mine. I couldn't take my eyes off that one cheeky spark in his left eye; the corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to hide a smile. Nothing happened since. We moved on, simple as that. Well, at least he did. I suppose I could never move on from something like this. Ex-friends always left a scar.


I so could write a story aye! Haha. Last week, when I went over to my cousin's house, we were talking about writing short stories, and I had told him that I wrote stories based on the dreams I'd been having. Talking about my dreams led on to some sort of deep discussion. Pretty cool... but anyway. What I was saying was that my cousin suggested that I should write my own life story.

I'd never thought about that before; in fact I thought that would be almost impossible. I held on to that thought though. I've now recently realised that of the 24 hours that my mind thinks, about 12 hours of the time, I'm already compiling sentences and paragraphs based on fragments of my life together into a story. And I've just realised that I do that all the time. SO, haha you get to suffer by having to listen to my life stories. Don't worry, I'll TRY to make it interesting. I mean, isn't what you just read interesting? Obviously this happened ages ago. I think I've been reading too much... Yes, I've definately been reading too much. I've been reading the Twilight Saga, and I've just finished Eclipse. IT'S SO GOOD. AND IT'S GOT SO MUCH LOVIN'. Reminds me of my unnecessarily vivid dreams... hm. Yes. No dreams recently, hence no stories ABOUT my dreams.

Omgosh, my scar is finally not flaky at all! It's just purple. Eww. It's like a long, thin line of dark crater, and within the crater is a thin white line of white, wrinkly skin. Hehe, it's manly. And yes, it DOES mean that I know how to be a manly man. Ask me, and maybe Kathy and I will teach you how to be a man ;). And trust me, you might want to ask. No, you need to. There are too many people who simply do not know how to be manly. It's sad.

ANYWAY. This was not at all what I was even meant to be talking about. I had a theme for this blog, but it's taken so long to even just bring it up. Haha, sucks for you, because it means that you'll have to read more. But trust me, it's good :). It's an analogy. An analogy about people. I hope I don't ramble too much. Okay, here goes:

People are like beaches. The sand is them, and the water is how much of them that they try to hide (I love this already). A person cannot change who they are, in the same way sand does not change, they can only hide themselves under an unwillingness to be open, covering as much sand as they feel that they need to. Their water has the ability to shift the sand underneath, burying certain things, while revealing others.

People walk along others' beaches. And, naturally, they leave foortprints, or imprints, as I would call it. Some walk on the very edge of the sand, while others don't fear to go deeper into the beach, where the water is. The deeper they go into the sand and water, the bigger the imprint they leave behind. A person who goes deep into the water can reveal the underlying secrets under the water as he/she sifts under the sand. And when they leave, they leave a trail of water behind, hidden secrets still hidden under the clinging sand on their wet feet. And no matter how much that beach tries to swallow up the sand, and smooth out the sea floor, a spot will always be there. An imprint will always be left behind. And that person will never forget that place where he/she stood.

I'm not entirely sure that all that would make sense... but it sounds pretty cool :). I thought of it earlier today, so I thought it was cool to finally update my blog. It's good to be in an uplifting mood as well :).

Anyway, guys, I suppose it's been really long to read, so I'll stop now. Take care, all you :).

LOL, Sarah.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Limited Edition much?

Updates: The picture is finished (I don't remember if I've said this already?), and yes, I despise it, but oh well. I'm looking forward to painting. My scar has almost finished healing. No more scabby things that fall off... just flakyness. Ew...

OH MY LOL! Guess what guys! Oops, I forgot that by the time you read this, I'll have written everything already; you're not reading as I'm writing. Man I'm confusing, and I've probably said that like a kajillion times already. BUT YES. I will tell you something exciting! Not now though. Why? I can't be bothered :).

SO like, in my Divinity class, we like, learnt like about injustice and like yeah. I don't remember. OH yeah. We're talking about symbols. Sorry... I'm trying to distract myself, so this blog MAY be a bit harder to read than normal. MUAHAHA. But yeah, we were talking about like how symbols refer to certain things; they portray something. Something shallow, perhaps. I'll explain.

Symbolism makes it easier for people to recognise who you are. If you have a lot of pink on you or in your environment, you'd be considered very girly, or very gay (happy?). If you're in MacDonalds, you'd be portrayed as someone unhealthy (no matter how skinny you may be). If you have a cross with Jesus hanging from it around your neck, you're considered a Catholic?

But symbolism easily comes as another stereotypical device. I don't like it. But it's something that we've all grown a part of, and it's a part of our culture. It's shallow, and allows prejudiced judgement upon others.

BAHAHAHHAHAA. :( Prejudice. Essay. SAC. English. Add all these to Sarah and you get Fail. Well I know I won't fail, because I wrote SOMETHING, and I fulfilled every requirement (TEEL structure, Intro, Conclusion, etc..) It just sucked. I swear I'm gonna get a C. C for crap, just so you know. If I got a B, I still wouldn't be please. B is for Bad. Hahaha. Totally stealing this off Kevjumba. Thanks man! You're awesome (he's a youtube guy; I don't actually know him, but kudos to him anyway!) But ah, man. My previous teacher for Criminal Minds gives me an A for one of my essays, right... And then she gives me C+ for my exam essay. Life is so unfair. There were two parts, and the essay was out of 60; while the issue analysis was out of 40. I got 40/40 for issue analysis, but only 39/60 for my essay. I mean, c'mon man... at least give me one more mark so I can get a higher average! Far out -_- at least I averaged a B+, which I'm okay with. As I said, B is bad, but B+ is a positive bad :). Haha I'm not even making sense.

I'm so hungry. But I already ate so much. Like, I had half SPANISH (heo yeah, teh shiz bro) chicken and chips, THEN I went home and ate a sausage. Half chicken is a lot okay... It doesn't sound like much, BUT IT'S HEAPS. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S DRY! Eurgh, yucko. Oh well, it was Spanish chicken, so it makes up for it :). Hm... More water.

Don't you hate it when you leave water out for just a TAD too long... and dust starts collecting, and when you drink it, you kinda get a furry feeling in your mouth? Yeah, I'm never doing that again. HAHA.

Anyway. I suppose I should tell you my surprise now. BUT WAIT! I need to mention something. My cousin picked me up today :). And we talked, and and ate, and shopped. Fun.

Yeah, okay NOW here comes the surprise. Well, you should all know that Johnny from America went to the Comic-Con (if you don't know, then you probably don't know him)! And HE BOUGHT ME SOMETHING. Not something small either. Not something cheap. Something that's exclusive, and RARE. And it is...

*drum roll*

HAHA. I love dragging things out. :)

IT'S A YELLOW DOMO-KUN FLOCKED VINYL FIGURE; COLLECTOR'S EDITION! APPARENTLY I'M A COLLECTOR OF DOMO-KUN NOW! Haha, nah I'm joking, but it's so cool! Limited edition much man? Haha thanks so much Johnny.. I owe you. :) But... why is it yellow? That's the only thing I don't get. OH WELL. I don't care, it's Domo-kun, and it's rare, and it's mine, so I'm happy.

If you didn't notice, my mood dramatically changed throughout the whole blog.

LOL, Sarah.