Sunday, August 10, 2008

Raging Worship.

Ohmylol, more people have started blogging. How exciting! Yay!

Yes. Anyway. I suppose my only motivation to blog is because of Aiball, of which he makes it more of an obligation, since every single flipping day he asks me to update the damn thing. No, not that there's anything wrong with blogging, it's just I RUN OUT OF IDEAS SOMETIMES YOU KNOW, AND LIKE, I CAN'T ALWAYS BE TALKING ABOUT HOW MY DAY WAS, IT GETS PRETTY BORING YOU KNOW, AND LIKE, YEAH.

I'm really not in the best happy mood, so YAY! You get to see me rage like crazy! How fun. Not really. Sorry Aiball, I didn't mean to take it out on you, but you told me to vent, and so I did (: So be proud of me, I'm actually venting.

Until someone can prove me wrong, I believe that all BOYS are the same. Tools, jerks, and annoying. Note that I used BOYS. BOYS are immature. If you want more deets, chat to me, haha. I'm not gonna go into detail because it's way too public and it's too personal for the public eye. So har har, if you don't have my email, chances are you don't even know me! -_-.

Who reads random people's blogs anway? I really should be more supportive and start reading other people's blogs though. I feel so loved when I get comments... I should return the love. Ha. Sorry guys, I really do love you... I think.

So yeah, I shall update you on my scar.

It's pretty yuck and festy. I peeled off the burnt part, that was going to fall off anyway. It's all flakey and stuff now. Pretty nasty.

What else shall I talk about? Oh yes. It's something I learnt on Friday. About worship. I'll get right into it because I suck at creating a segoe (is that how you spell it?) into my point.

As a worship leader, part of a worship band, our purpose is not to set the mood for people to feel comfortable in glorifying God. Sure, it's all cool for that, it can be really nice and sounding really awesome, but that's most definitely not our purpose, and is absolutely not a way in which we can lead people to God. Why? Because what is the feedback you get? Is it "Oh, your band sounded awesome, your singing and harmonies were perfect and the guitars were in top shape; I can't forget about the drums, the syncopated beats are just ahh, so perfect. It's a very good mood for worship". Or is it something like this? "I could see who you were worshipping, and it was awesome, even though you guys didn't sound the best, it was easy to tell how great your God is."

There's a big difference in setting the mood, and letting people sense God's presence. Our job is not to put on a performance, but to allow people to recognise our God. And our purpose is to glorify God. Not just in a band either. In everyday life?

I used to ask, "how do you glorify God in everything you do? How can you glorify God when you're writing an essay? Put scriptures in it or something? I don't get it..."

Haha, yes, you can put scripture, but ultimately, it shouldn't be HOW you glorify God in everything you do, but WHY you do everything. What is the purpose of your actions? Is it to glorify God? Or something else.

Man that was so random.

I'll leave youse to it then :)

Catch ya later! (I hope no one catches you now :)

1 comment:

Colin Reynolds said...

Nice observations about worship! And yes...your pastor consistently finds all your random hullabaloo intriguing!