Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Love-accentuating Light.

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us." - Marianne Williamson; Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles.

Guest speaker at school came today. I took not too much interest in it other than the fact that he travelled to India and things happened. He also pulled out this quote at the start, saying that we're afraid of the differences we can make.

I don't think that's the case, but this is from my point of view. I believe that we fear to express our power and ability to create a difference because we're scared to actually show our light (actually, God's light). We're afraid that in this dark world, when we reflect His light, people will be disgusted by us; they feel more than comfortable feeling around with the little light they have. That is, they are comforted by the surrounding darkness, where they are easily able to hide their flaws; it's easy to conform.

So basically (I don't know what else to say) I just wanted to point out that we're scared of spreading light to a world full of darkness because we're afraid of being hated by people who never wished for light to be shed upon them.

"Folks don’t like to have somebody around knowing more than they do. It aggravates them. You’re not going to change any of them by talking right, they’ve got to want to learn themselves, and when they don’t want to learn there’s nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language." - Calpurnia; To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

I can't believe I used this quote T_T I hate To Kill A Mockingbird, but only because it's so immensely detailed. But it kinda goes with what I'm saying.

Yeah. That's all.

Updates: MY OTHER PICTURE IS FINISHED. I'M SO HAPPY. Not really. I really still don't like it, but I suppose it's alright. // My scar has lost all scabs. It's just pinky purple now. Eurgh.

I've realised... I lost my format :(. So much stuff to cram in and stuff. It's pretty hardcore. At least I know what to write now!

Thanks Tony for yesterday. It's so frustrating when you write a short story, and as soon as the words "I love you" pop out, EVERYONE immediately thinks that you like someone, or that you wanna be with someone 'in that way'. No offense (actually no take this as badly as you can), but that's really shallow. I don't understand how you can think that just because I love someone, it means that I wanna be with them. My friendships are so much deeper and are so much more meaningful, and I've made myself clearer than crystal clear that I have absolutely no intentions of even liking anyone. Everyone knows how over I am with boys anyway. I seriously don't understand why people would assume things and create reasonable doubt about something I had already explained many times before.

So yeah, it's nothing; NOTHING even remotely close to being 'in-like' with someone. It's about a friendship. And yes, friendships do go that deep. I'm actually beginning to think that friendships are deeper than relationships from a third person's point of view.

I just needed to get that out of the way. I'm sick of people lingering with thoughts of "OOOH SARAH LIKES SOMEONE". I really dislike it.

So much anger in this blog! Sorry guys, it just got on my nerves. Ahh. I need ice-cream. Quick quick! Yeah I'm hungry. I eat too much. I'm getting fat.

This is such an emo blog. Oh, but you'll never guess. For the past few days, I've been having Bold as Love (John Mayer's cover) in my head. Now you're probably thinking, uh, isn't that normal? Everyone gets a song stuck in their head. Dur. Even I do and all I do is cry (Haha jokes). Yeah, it's normal, especially for me, because I love music. HOWEVER. Here is the thing: I don't really know the lyrics. For example, this is me reciting it now:

He smiles something
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind her
Who are the life-giving waters
Taken for granted

They're all bold as love

Haha yeah, it's terrible. That's what's so interesting about having the song in my head. You see, it's not the lyrics that get stuck in my head (however, ANGER randomly pops into my head when I'm sometimes feeling it, and I start singing poorly recited lyrics), but the solo of that song is what gets stuck in my head; I know it off by heart.

Ask Kathy, she knows. It's funny, coz out of nowhere I start dancing with an air guitar, as if playing the solo.

Question: How do you read someone's eyes? I never really understood when books said something like this (poorly quoting from Twighlight; Stephenie Meyer: He smiled his crooked smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

I don't get it! I reckon it's stupid. I mean, I think it's more the stance and the body language that tells you about how people feel, not so much their eyes. And yeah. That's all for now. Answer ze question!

LOL, Sarah.


Colin Reynolds said...

Sounds like you had some guy full of Indian mysticism and New Age hogwash talk to you today! Any stuff out of "A Course in Miracles" is New Age poison - totally focussed on self empowerment via self and with no thought to the God we know is the ONLY source of empowerment and light. You were right to be suspicious of him! Stay wise and alert for false teaching...and have a nice day!

Z_Blogz said...

hey, in regards to your comment bout reading eyes. Like the eyes on their own have meaning, but i do agree with you in regards to body language. However as alot of people say the eyes are windows to our souls and alot can be determined about a person through lookin at their eyes.

That quote you used i was like hrmm heard dat b4 sumwhere but not from original source but movie, and it drove me nuts haha but den realised it was from the movie "Coach Carter" excellent movie, and i love that quote how it goes on about making ourselves small so others can feel great and in doing so we liberate our own fears.

:D thanks 2 u too anyway hav an awesome day.