Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas all.

You all mean a bunch to me.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Saving Grace.

Of course Christmas has become materialistic. It's been like that for a long while now; we've just been to young and too innocent to have it revealed to us; that the world has plastered up Christmas to protect the vulnerable from seeing a Love so perfect. We've matured enough to see now how materialistic Christmas really is. But that's only ever been for those who don't know about the grace that saved us all, even if we don't want it.

Christmas is not materialistic for those who earnestly long to show their loved ones God's love for them through an exchange of gifts.
Christmas is not materialistic when, in the hustle and bustle of everything, we remember the spirit of God which resides within us with an overflow of love.
Christmas is not materialistic for those who can still see the heart of a human child in an animal's trough.

Again, without Christmas, there are no gifts. And there would be no Love.

Some people can only get by knowing they're loved, and that constant ache to hear that they are... Why do we hold ourselves in such low esteem? Why do we want people to constantly prove that they're there for us?

Why do I need? =(

LOL, Sarah.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fool's Paradise.

Christmas weeeeeeek!

You with those sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Though I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can loose sight of it
And the darkness inside you makes you feel so small

But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful like a rainbow

Show me your smile
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful
Like a rainbow

You're beautiful
I see your true colors
Just remember
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful
Like a rainbow

LOL, Sarah.
I'd give anything to see you smile again.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reason For The Season.

Why is it that I feel so unsettled? Spurts of anger, like fireworks arrayed in the black-blue night, shooting across with a glamorous repetition of shock and awe. Patterns arched over the sky; although expected, these lights dazzled the hearts of many, especially mine. How could my fiery heart bring so much wonder and astonishment?

Well, at least fireworks spark only on significant occasions.

It's as if we're waiting for it to dawn upon us... as inevitable as the rising of the sun, and yet still, It seems that Christmas has come at a later time than usual. Here I am, sitting in my mildly renovated room with just 5 days before Christmas. Five days... wow. Christmas has pretty much tripped me over this year and taken me by a complete surprise.

Maybe it was the Christmas Spirit that I was aching for... a shred of hope in the midst of the murky, shrouded cascading waters; the bustle of buying gifts, organising dates, holiday homework and preparations for the conference in only one week.

And the Spirit of giving is what I found; the ultimate gift that is simply incomparable to anything else.

The gift of Love.

Without Christmas, there would be no gifts... and so much more, there would be no Love. Just hurt.

Have a merry CHRISTmas week!

Lots Of Love, Sarah.
The sections mark that I've written on 3 different days :P I'm so lazy nowadays...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

All About Love.

There is a sudden ring of hope, the moment I heard you say - no, it wasn't the three words, it was a phrase comprised of two different words. Two words that so gracefully fell from your lips to the corners of my ear. You retreated from your hug, and I was left there, stunned at what you said.

Two words that meant so much to me.
Two words that no one could take away.
Two words that I probably needed to hear the most... and yet I couldn't muster up the strength to say back.

And yet, is it so selfish to hear someone say this?
You mean more to me than you can imagine.
Lust is the physical attraction, whereas love is when the feeling is stripped away, and best friendship remains.


“If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”

I finally understand it. Whoever said it was so right...
But it could never stop you from loving them.

Selfless love.

I wish I could help.

LOL, Sarah.
Bleh sorry lame post.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ardent Adoration.

So. I haven't posted in a while ):

Our similarities are oceans apart, but that doesn't cease our best friendship.

LOL, Sarah.
I'll be back... maybe sooner, maybe later.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dilatory Meander.

Drift close, drift far...
So free in the ocean wide horizon.

The first crack showed in the snowy blanket; a tiny splinter to one's short-sided vision. But walk on...

A large blizzardlike crevasse extended from that minuscule splinter; a trench with a seemingly endless bottom, almost sending sight's senses itself to a pit of black. The edges of either side of the crevasse crumble incessantly, mimicking the consequences of even the most minor of vibrations. A simple breath in the cold, a whisper into the musky air would send a few helpless rocks into the trench, with no avail to even hear of their landing.

The trench's end was almost indeterminate. At the very edge of the horizon, the ice seemed to part completely horizontally, and was met by a deep azure. Further than that, glimpses of tiny, white dots seemed to float about the horizon, each going in every different direction, as if to purposely steer away from shards formerly their own...

A tiny crack in the ice can make all the difference.

It is so unlike the platelets streaming through our blood as they pulse heatedly through our vessels. At the first exposure to the air we breathe, the tiny cells clump together unwittingly, each combining to strengthen a wall to stop an overflow of blood. How cunning it is that it is within our best interests to subconsciously stop bleeding, and yet in the oppression of life's deafening reality as a body, we seem to distance ourselves from each other so advertently as to protect ourselves singularly, instead of all of ourselves.

Could I imagine enough that an answer, formidable as it may be, would float down like a diminishing cloud into my hands? Could it explain the countless questions and frazzling indictments which have been thrusted into my turn of this sequence of events?

If only I could believe so, I would work a way then to fight against this natural occurence of consequence after consequence.

So just why is it, that we drift? And why is the present always more painful than the past, as possibly an inkling of foreseeable damage in the future?

Sure, we're human, but even our own body works each body part so cunningly together to rescue us from our rue.

LOL, Sarah.
And yet, still, the environment could never be more beautiful... even in its dying days.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Irrevocable Extrication.

Must John Mayer be so hot?

Swimming in deeper waters... As treacherous as they may be, I will wade myself there and back to safety, because I have you in my arms and I'm desperate to see you wake, just so that I can see you smile warmly once more; a warming, heartfelt upturn of the corners of your lips juxtaposed against the cold, deathly touch of your pale skin. Although, I would not dare to fight for your life, not without your response and permission to; that you would be fighting alongside me. Still. I am a soldier in the front lines, awaiting your command to fire, attack, or fallback.

But really, all I wanted to hear was the sound of your voice.

I guess every gift should have a ribbon around it.
Whether thick, thin, satin or paper,
It enhances the beauty of a present.

Pull just one end, and the entire strong comes undone,
Or hold it at the cross-section,
And lift it like a burden off your heart.

Perhaps the decor is just for laughs, for looks.
But no one can fathom how simple it is to remove
Nor how it can cradle the entire present in its arms...

We're all a gift, either opened up or set aside.
You can always set the ribbon loose, as long as you know how to...
Only then can you discover its true contents within.

So it's not really about the ribbon at all.
Decor is fancy,
But inside counts most.

LOL, Sarah.
Borrowed a friend's style of writing... to an extent.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bum Chums.

What you're going through, I honestly don't know if I understand. I wish there was something I could do, something that I could say to you to lift your spirits. I would do what I can to encourage you, to lighten your heavy burden. But I search as much as I can, and I can find nothing to pull together and wrap you around in love.

I wish to find such words that would comfort you, cradle you in their warmth and in their assurance. However, my senseless mind can barely conceive your heartache and your pain, and anything I choose to say would be placed as a burden rather than that of doves lifting you to the clouds as you rest in sadness. I wish I could pillow your head with a gentle phrase, cover you with the love that was so carelessly torn away from you.

I have leant you my shoulder, but I fear my reckless tongue I cannot subdue, as I long to pour out only words you need to hear. I don't wish to hurt you more than you are bearing... and I am not tame enough to do otherwise.

You're my best friend... And I am at a loss of words and of ability to stir up even a smile across your face, even just for the shortest amount of time.

I fear what I have done has been damaging... but I don't want to give up on you.

And I guess finally, I just want to tell you how much I love you.. how much I worry and care for you. My concerns for your best interests have been with you since the beginning, and I'd only wished for your eternal happiness, with or without me. I've never been more proud to have a best friend, and would never accept another best friend other than you. I can't imagine life without you as my best friend... I love you so much. I just wish I were always there for you, with all the right words to say, the words you need to hear, and the words that sooth your sore heart.

I pray for your happiness. And I pinky promise you, I will stand by you as much and as long as humanly possible.

LOL, Sarah.
Make a wish, love.