Monday, December 8, 2008

Confidence Future.

I could not keep still. Had anyone passed, I'd immediately flick my head their direction, hoping for a figure I could recognise. I wasn't sure of where I was, and I'd hoped that I'd got the right meeting point. My legs jittered under the wooden table; at one point my leg bounced so high that it lifted up the table slightly with a bang. That was going to leave a bruise. I continued to search through the empty court, arguing against myself as to whether I was meant to be here, whether she was coming, how much she'd changed, if she still saw me as her best friend after all these years separated from each other.

A minute passed, and I drummed my fingers on the table. Typical, I thought, comforting myself in a single stereotype that ALL asians arrive late. Although I'd have to exclude myself from that stereotype; obviously I was where we were to meet on time, hoping she could be excluded as well. Not today though. I continued to look around, absorbing the court which somehow now bustled with excitement and hunger, as compared with just about two minutes ago; it was desolate, lonely. I raked my fingers through my hair, then heaved a sigh as I rested my head on the table.

Maybe she's not coming, after all, I thought to myself after another minute had passed.

Suddenly, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and impulsively lept up in shock. The hand also recoiled to its own body. I gazed at the culprit of my bewilderment; I knew who it was, yet she was hardly recognisable. A shy smile fitted her small face perfectly, her eyes staring at me with wonder and amusement. Her hair was up in a pony tail to the side, tipped with a crimson red tinge, and swung lazily behind her back as she cocked her head to the side. A small chuckle, and she'd said, "Hi".

I'd caught myself again, and I smiled back. "Hey," I leant towards her, and we shared a tight embrace. After I'd let go, I continued to search her face for similarities; she did the same. After a moment of silence, we both burst into laughter, as if it was yesterday that we'd last seen each other, and nothing had changed.

But I knew I couldn't hold onto that thought. Although reunion was the sweetest thing, I knew that after that, nothing could ever be the same.


I feel so empty and dry of ideas. I haven't been feeling well; headaches and stress really aren't my thing over the holidays.

It's been three days without my phone, and even though it's so materialistic, it still kind of bugs me that I still can't find it.

Food helps me happier, and so does parents who adopted me. That did not make any sense. At all. Haha!

LOL, Sarah.

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