Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What da heo...

Yay. New blog... blogger, blogger thing. Although I highly doubt anyone will read this, considering hardly anyone even reads my Myspace blogs, which also reminds me that I still need to send away my story! Yeah if anyone wants to read tell me please. It's really... dramatic. Dramatically unnecessary. Which, by the way, is what my title is: Dramatic Hullabaloo. Hullabaloo is (to put it simply, or rather what I THINK it is) taking something and unnecessarily emphasising it. And dramatic well... makes it even more unnecessarily emphasised.

Sigh. I need to read more. So I can use more unnecessarily complicated words that only people who read can understand. And in which case can be helpful because people have to read in order to understand anyway. And they have to read if they want to know what this blog is about. How troublesome.

Gotta read To Kill a Mockingbird. I want to, but now I have to as well. School days. Happy days. Oh joys.

And lately I've realised something so simple, but it's really sad: No one really tries in anything anymore. I know that we have to take the initiative, we have to make a stand, in order for others to begin to see or whatever. But even when they do decide to stand as well... it's so half hearted. And I just wonder where the passion goes.

Despite, I believe that if one candle shines brightly enough, that fire will catch on to others. But it's all in due time, when their candle decides to point the right way. Not towards that candle that's already burning, but the source of fire itself. And that those candles will be reignited... They just need some warmth shed upon them to realise that they haven't yet been burnt out.


NitNav said...

hope the candle dont get too close to the fire... they might melt!!! ='[

but that's the risk we take ey?
We need to have a passion in what we stand for!

Either be a purposeless candle and not burn but remain intact
BE a bright burning candle and risk melting to the end

Because... what are candles used for? ;]

Nickyyyy said...

I feel like reading ALL your posts :)