Thursday, July 24, 2008

Problematic Picturesque

Can't find my picture. I CAN'T FIND MY PICTURE!

I know you can read, but I have to emphasise that I CAN'T FIND MY PICTURE! After weeks and weeks and strenuous hours of GRIDDING, REGRIDDING, COPYING, RUBBING OUT, COPYING MORE, COLOURING IN, RUBBING OUT, AND COLOURING IN EVEN MORE, this picture is nowhere to be found (dramatic emphasis provided by me). This picture is important to me. Why? Because it goes in my folio lol. And yes, that means I actually DO care about school! Shock horror! Nerd! Oh; my; gosh! But it took so much of my time! And because I'm also a perfectionist, it took even longer!

I'm sorry grapes that I spoke badly against you! And you too leaves! Yes, even you, you.. marbly.. peach? And you.. orange.. mango.. thing! I didn't mean for you to be hurt, and be forever hidden from my eyes! Yes, I still want to work on you, and colour you until you finish! And make you look beautiful, even though I have no idea what the heo I'm actually colouring in!

If you're wondering, which I think you are (haha, that part was a bit strange, but I'll explain), I spoke badly about my picture. A lot. I complained about there being too many grapes (about 100 roughly that I coloured in) And the dodgyness of the leaves, and my peach that looked like a marble (it really does... and I completely ruined the "peach" factor of it). I mean, I know I was mean to my own picture, but that doesn't mean it has to flip vanish from my very eyes. I mean, I'm even wearing glasses and I still can't see it anywhere! I don't believe in karma, but this is JUST NOT COOL.
But seriously, picture, I am sorry. Grapes, I secretly really like how all of you turned out. You make my picture look good and pro, because of the detail I flip put into you. And marbly peach, you're still a peach. Just marbly.
Since I'm already ranting, I'll also rant about my internet. I STRONGLY DISLIKE MY INTERNET! Like, I'm fine that I have to reconnect every 3 minutes, because it's become kind of routine, and I'm used to it I suppose. You know, became familiar with the flow of constant disconnection and occasionally switching windows to reconnect again. I got used to it. But now, the fact that it now disconnects WHENEVER IT WANTS TO is just so not cool. So mean. So so mean.
Which then makes me buon, which makes me think of certain things. Grr at the fact that you are so loved by everyone.


nathanNIGHTMARE™ said...

nice drawing, sarah
5 stars!

NitNav said...

even the picture are loved by you Sarah ;]

maybe you can't find the picture because the fruits are shy and wouldn't want to acknowledge that it is loved by its wonderful creator ;]

funny that...