Sunday, July 18, 2010

Effortless Extravagance.

The Greatness of our God - Hillsong

Please listen to at least 5 seconds (up to 26 if you will) of this song, because the first five seconds of this song unlocked from within me such an outpour of awe... As you can see here what follows this sentence... (:

It's just as if a butterfly flutters across the keys, gently hopping from one note to the other- it would do so with such delicacy and precision. Its mere touch was barely anything, but somehow more than enough, for just as it lands, it takes off again. The butterfly, so elegantly poised, rises from its first residence, still ringing of cherished beauty, towards its neighbouring residence for another ounce of resounded prettiness to be left there too.

Then, it waits.

First, with a single - quick, but unrushed- stretch of its wings, outwards first to ever so humbly reveal the stunning beauty adorned upon the unknowing butterfly's wings; and then restored to their former, closed position, as if the little darling knew to be modest- that You could only ever catch a glimpse of beauty, but you could not nor should ever bathe in its splendour for too long...

And then again, it nimbly leaps into the air, enjoying the stretch of its arched wings, as well as the freedom in which it could move, all the while leaving a trill of inspired awe in its wake as it fluttered away, perfect and pure.

How 'free' every movement of this butterfly seemed! And yet, it was so precise- it seemed to be made to exact beauty in all its splendour and glory- and yet there is that ever present modesty and humble stature that resides from within, because it just knows this: that it is not beautiful because the lovely being wanted to be, but instead because its loving Creator wanted it to be.

So as this meek, little butterfly flutters so daintily away, we are left with so much more than its extravagance, its pleasant beauty and the ring of pleasant music that follows it, but so much more of the wonder of its creator, who made it so perfectly, so that it illuminates His spirit of excellence in its entirety, even in what it leaves behind.

*PTL, Sarah.

*Praise The Lord; and also a substitute for a while, as long as my blogs remain, to me, glorifying to God.

1 comment:

Nickyyyy said...

Y is for you're
E is for Epic

it spells

You're epic

ha, I'm so lame :D