Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Dawn.

If you're happy without me, that's fine. As long as you're happy.

Well hello, world. It's been a good 3 weeks since my last post. And so I'M VERY SORRY FOR NOT MENTIONING THAT I WENT ON AN UNOFFICIAL BREAK. :|

And well, things honestly haven't been hectic around me, which is the usual excuse for the lack of blogging... Nor has life been anymore than easy and relaxing, as most people who'd take a look would expect it to be otherwise.

I don't find reason to explain myself.. although the guilt in my heart does settle in every once in a while when I check for new blogposts (thanks guys for the awesome blogs)...

Needless to say, I am back, and I am new, fresh and full of inspiration. A few stories will come up, different, but somewhat relevant.. and those ideas that I posted up a while ago, you may see the train leaving its station and is to be on the move! Very soon!

Not today, though. I have a SAC to deal with.

And is he still on my mind?

You tell me :P

LOL, Sarah.


Nickyyyy said...

yay ur back, now i have something to readd :D

jkm. said...

Welcome back :]

Anonymous said...

glad to see ur return =]
hope ur SAC goes well!