Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Last Sunset.

So it will be the last time I talk of the dying world. But it painfully glares at me, desperately nagging at me to do something about this. But what can I do? This world is too big for me. There are too many things; too many man-made things that I cannot undo. What can I do for you world, that people may see you the way I see you? Not just to see the paved path whirling into your death; no, but your beauty, your majesty, your glory. Just what is it that I am meant to do, so that people will see how truly beautiful you are?

I cannot. I am feeble and inept. I have my visions, but my visions fall short of faith and deeds.

So this is the one last time I will talk of this dying world. This is where I say what it truly means to me. What these sights, these visions truly mean to me.

The chokers of the earth are man-made destruction. It is our efforts to make our paths straight, to place glory upon ourselves, and to look at ourselves in majesty and awe.

But the gleaming beams of the rich warmth and radiance of the sun, is God's glory, breaching the destruction of man, persisting in being seen... but our own desires, our wants, long to block away the beauty of the sky, the comfort of Christ's warmth. We want to do things our own way, to block out the glory of God, and to lead our own lives. And we're killing ourselves in the process.

But God's glory will still shine. We just have to turn our eyes to the skies, and we will see Him, in all His splendour and holiness. Even when the world's seams are stripped away, He is still there, and in the face of our uncertainty, He holds us in His arms, and comforts us.

I only show you what I choose to show you... so what would happen if I show you everything I long to show someone else but myself?

LOL, Sarah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

o_O your posts are so deeeeepppp that I find it hard to understand them... but I guess the enigmatic is what you're going for right?

love you.